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Ionize Mattress

Tidur akan lebih apabila anda dapat beristirahat dengan sepenuhnya, dimana seluruh tubuh anda terlentang menghilangkan ketegangan otot, menarik nafas secara perlahan-lahan dan dalam, kemudian organ otak besar anda mulai terbenam ke tahap istirahat yang sepenuhnya. Apabila anda bangun, rasa letih pada tubuh anda akan hilang begitu saja dan anda akan merasa begitu segar dan aktif seperti semula. Ionize Mattress, menggabungkan manfaat dan kebaikan dari sinar infra merah jauh, ion negatif, dan ion tembaga. Bermanfaat meningkatkan kualitas tidur, fungsi sel-sel tubuh dan organ yang sehat.

£. Sinar Infra Merah Jauh

Merupakan “Cahaya Kehidupan”, sinar Infra Merah Jauh merupakan sumber energi alam yang berasal dari sinar matahari yang membantu melancarkan aliran darah, memperbaiki metabolisme limfe, mengeluarkan racun dari dalam tubuh dan menghilangkan bau yang tidak enak. Ia juga membantu menghilangkan ketegangan pada tubuh, mencegah wasir dan mengatasi masalah sembelit.

£. Ion Negatif

Ion negatif merupakan ion dengan muatan negatif. Ion negatif merupakan bahan alami yang terdapat disekitar kita, tidak memiliki bentuk, tidak dapat dilihat dengan mata biasa, tidak berasa dan tidak berbau. Ia dikenal sebagai bahan yang dapat meningkatkan kesehatan. Ion negatif dapat melancarkan aliran darah dan menenangkan system saraf pusat. Ia mengurangi rasa gelisah, tekanan dan ketegangan.

£. Ion Tembaga

Dikembangkan secara khusus oleh Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Jepang, Ion tembaga secara efektif memperbaiki sirkulasi mikro di dalam tubuh. Mengurangi peradangan dan gatal-gatal, menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri dan menghilangkan bau. Ion tembaga membuat anda merasa sejuk, nyaman dan kering. Baik juga untuk sistitis, sering buang air kecil, serta mengatasi masalah-masalah menstruasi dan wasir.

£. Manfaat Ionize Mattress

. Mengurangi ketegangan pada tubuh sehingga baik untuk mengatasi masalah insomnia
. Melancarkan aliran darah, meningkatkan proses metabolisme limfe, mengeluarkan
toksin dari dalam tubuh dan menghilangkan bau yang tidak sedap.
. Mengatasi masalah buang air kecil
. Mengurangi sakit pada saat haid
. Mencegah wasir dan mengatasi masalah sembelit.

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Ion Cleanse Article
IonCleanse Enhancement System
1.Imagine a list of chemicals and toxins that have been introduced in the past hundred years. We are literally inundated. When we step out in the city we are ingesting heavy metals from exhaust. When we eat processed foods we are ingesting preservative, dyes and hydrogenated oils. Fresh fruits and veg-etables have been treated with pesticides. Meats and dairy -- saturated with hormones and antibiotics. Chemicals invade our homes in the guise of household cleaners, anti-bacterial soaps and air fresheners. The carpet,furniture, draperies and upholstery in our cars are often treated. Medications and supple-ments are filled with inert ingredients. We can not escape the constant barrage of chemicals in the modern world. Our bodies absorb them and bog down, clogging our natural filtration systems. Think of a fish tank filter. What does it look like after a month? Now imagine what your liver or kidneys look like.
2.The IonCleanse(R) Enhancement System helps us make adaptations to the inundation of chemicals in our environment by aiding in the detoxification process. Bob Moroney explains, "The machine sends a small direct current into the array. The different metals in the array along with the water and salt generate positively and negatively charged ions by separating the water into oxygen and hydrogen. An ion is a charged atom that has gained or lost an electron, and creates a magnetic field capable of neutralizing oppositely charged particles. This creates an osmotic field that neutralizes and pulls toxins out of the
body through the skin in the process of osmosis. Positive polarity creates a negative ion flow, which, we believe, raises blood Ph from acidic toward alkaline."
3.You can discern what part of the body the debris is coming from by the color changes. The water will change color even if there are no feet in the container. This is due to regional toxicity created by chemi-cals used by the local water authorities, in combination with pollutants common to that area. In Denver, Colorado, for example, the predominant water color is orange and 25% of the residue found in a foot bath is from regional toxins. In addition to the coloration changes, parasites, pinworms, and smelly purple mucous have been observed in the waste water.
4.The IonCleanse(R) is not for everyone. You should not use the machine if you:
* Wear a pacemaker or any other battery operated or electrical implant.
* Take heartbeat regulating medications or blood thinners.
* Are a pregnant or lactating woman.
* Are an organ transplant recipient.
* Have undergone organ removal, especially the colon.
* Are on a medication that, if absent from your system, would mentally or physically incapacitate
you (e.g., psychotic episodes or seizures).
5.Care should be taken if you are in any of the following categories:
* On medications that require the blood level be maintained in order to be effective, for example,
blood pressure medication. (The IonCleanse(R) can remove medications from the body for 6 hours.)
* People who have been diagnosed as hypoglycemic. (The IonCleanse(R) tends to lower blood sugar.)
* If the client is in poor health or has not done any kind of detoxing. (They should reschedule after taking supplements.)
Clients should also be made aware that detox occurs on an emotional level as well. An established
support system is recommended.
6.The machine does not discriminate what it removes. Careful consideration and supplementation are necessary to replenish the system. Electrolites, salts, enzymes, minerals and heavy metals need to be kept in balance. The detoxification process should be seen as synergistic and include dietary changes, exercise, body and energy work as well as supplementation. "Used properly, the IonCleanse(R) provides a comfortable and relaxing way to rid the body of toxins and rejuvenate aging organs and glands by balancing the Ph of both the tissues and blood."